Tag Archives: Job

University graduate surprised by job offer

A university graduate has been both surprised and delighted to receive a job offer at a major accountancy firm.  Jack Williamson, 22, received a call last night from the HR manager informing him that they would like to make him an offer and “look forward to having him on board”.

This came as quite a shock to Jack, who explains that as far as he remembers the interview couldn’t have gone any worse. “I mean it didn’t start well, when I forgot which department it was I was applying for. I’ve made so many applications now that I don’t know what’s what!”

Even once he’d worked out which job it was he was interviewing for, he still felt he didn’t do very well at all. “There was definitely a period where the only word in the English language I seemed capable of using was ‘like’, and my definition of Depreciation would have made an 4-year old blush.”

He thought it had gone from bad to worse when his attempt at humour was met with frosty silence. “I was offered a cup of tea, and said no thanks because Tea is for mugs. I thought that was an excellent bit of workplace friendly banter, but I don’t think my interviewer agreed.”

So Jack was more than a little surprised to learn that he had got the job after all. “I’m just not asking any questions, to be honest. I’m sure I’ll work out what’s what while I’m there, before they realise the mistake they’ve made!”

In other news, university third year Will Jackson has been turned down from his job application, despite reportedly “smashing” the interview. “I’m not too downhearted,” he told HBR. “I’m sure the bloke who got it must have been some kind of rock-star.”

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